About Me

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I'm no good at these things - but here goes.. I'm a 22 year old beauty blogger from Birmingham UK! To start 2017 off I am currently working on this new blog, I stupidly can't access my old one so please bare with me whilst I post all my old content onto here before putting out new content for you lovely lot! Thank you for all your support! Instagram : Beautyblogger94_ Twitter: BeautyBySarah__

Sunday, 15 January 2017


Hello everyone :) so as pretty much everyone loves Lush I thought it would be nice to show you some of the things I got at the end of December! I popped into Birmingham's store and although it was jammed full of people the staff still remained calm and friendly like always..

I'd spent around £30 and was thankful for staff always asking me if I needed any help, I'd asked if there was any sale stuff left which there wasn't but the lovely woman still went out back to see, little did I know she came out with a northern lights bath bomb and just because it was the tiniest bit chipped on the outside they wasn't selling it, so she kindly said you can just have it! Such a lovely gesture.

This is why I love lush, not only are their products out of this world but I've yet to come across a staff member which isn't so friendly. I am so impressed by every product from lush that I've tried now over the years and I'm super excited to purchase some more from their valentines day range.. I mean come on how can you not? Have you seen how adorable and cute they are xD

So on to the things I purchased, some I've used and some I haven't just yet so there will be a post following after this one to discuss in detail how I felt about ones I have used. Hope you enjoy!

Before I carry on though I did kindly receive two samples, a celestial moisturiser and herbalism cleanser, they both smell amazing and I'm excited to try them.

Yoga Bomb £4.25
Fizzbanger £3.75
Avobath £3.50
Sakura £3.50
Tisty Tosty £3.50
Ickle Baby Bot £1.95
Northern Lights Bath Bomb (free)
Pop In The Bath Bubble Bar £3.65
Floating Island Bath Oil £2.00

If you have any questions about these products then please feel free to ask me anything!
I hope you enjoyed my lush haul and I will be doing a post at some point today about some of the bath bombs I have used!

Love Sarah!

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